"Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man."  -- Benjamin Franklin

I'm one of those hopeless optimists who makes a list of New Year's resolutions each year.  I typically make a long list, categorizing each resolution as PHYSICAL(lose weight; exercise more), MENTAL(read a book a month; take an online course), or SPIRITUAL(daily devotionals; pray more).  Each resolution is specific and would greatly benefit my life; unfortunately, my ambitiously long list rarely survives the first week, let alone January.  

We love acronyms in the military. Even though it can sound like we’re speaking in code, some of them are very useful. One of my favorites—and one of the most useful—is NSTR: “Nothing Significant to Report”. If we didn’t have anything useful to say in a report, we’d just put NSTR. Similarly, when it was my turn to speak in a meeting, I’d say “nothing for the group” (some guys would actually say “N-S-T-R”).